Monday, April 28, 2014
Opening talk by J. Friedman (MIT): Exploring the structure of the proton. Mail this speaker
Review plenary talks
Higgs and EW physics | Y. Sirois (Palaiseau); mail this speaker |
Hot strong matter | K. Grebieszkow (Warsaw); mail this speaker |
Forward and low-x physics | P. van Mechelen (Antwerpen); mail this speaker |
Heavy flavours | A. Mischke (Utrecht); mail this speaker |
Strategy for DIS | R. Ent (JLab); mail this speaker |
Structure functions and parton distributions | K. Wichmann (DESY); mail this speaker |
Precision QCD in the LHC era | D. de Florian (Buenos Aires); mail this speaker |
Beyond the Standard Model | T. Tait (Irvine); mail this speaker |
Event generators | L. Loennblad (Lund); mail this speaker |
30 years of spin physics in 30 minutes: past, present, and future | J.-W. Qiu (BNL); mail this speaker |
Observe that the order of talks can still change, as well as the present, working titles.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Summary talks in the morning session will be given by WG conveners.
Plenary talks in the afternoon session
Particle physics from the European perspective | S. Bertolucci (CERN); mail this speaker |
American particle and nuclear physics planning | H. Montgomery (Jefferson Lab); mail this speaker |
Particle physics from the Asian perspective | M. Nozaki (KEK/ACFA); mail this speaker |
Closing overview talk
DIS outlook | A. Mueller (Columbia); mail this speaker |